Frequently Asked Questions

By playing chess, children learn to analyze situations, anticipate consequences, and make informed decisions. These skills can be applied to various areas of life, such as academics, problem-solving in everyday situations, and future career paths. Chess can be played both individually and in a competitive setting, allowing children to interact with peers and build social skills. It promotes communication, patience, empathy, and emotional control.

Teaching your child to play chess can be an exciting and rewarding experience. Here’s a step-by-step guide to help you get started:

  1. Learn the basics yourself: If you’re not familiar with chess, take some time to learn the rules, basic strategies, and piece movements .
  2. Set up the chessboard: Introduce your child to the chessboard and explain the layout. 
  3. Teach the piece movements: Start by explaining how each piece moves. Begin with the pawn, then move on to the rook, knight, bishop, queen, and finally, the king.
  4. Introduce capturing and checkmate: Explain how capturing works in chess, and demonstrate the concept using different pieces. 
  5. Play practice games: Start playing simple games with your child, focusing on the fundamentals they’ve learned.
  6. Encourage problem-solving and analysis: As your child gains more experience, encourage them to analyze the position on the board and think strategically.
  7. Practice regularly: Consistency is key when learning chess. Set aside regular practice sessions with your child.

Remember, learning chess takes time and practice, so be patient with your child’s progress. The most important thing is to have fun and enjoy the journey of learning and playing chess together.

While there is no specific age requirement to start learning chess, many experts suggest that children can begin as early as 4 or 5 years old. At this age, children are typically able to understand basic rules, follow instructions, and grasp the movements of chess pieces. However, it’s important to consider each child’s individual development and readiness.

Learning chess online offers several advantages compared to traditional methods:

  1. Online chess resources, such as tutorials, courses, and playing platforms, are easily accessible from anywhere with an internet connection.
  2. Online chess platforms and resources often provide options for learners to choose their own pace of learning.
  3. Many online chess platforms offer interactive learning tools such as puzzles, quizzes, and interactive lessons.
  4. Online chess platforms connect learners with a global community of chess enthusiasts, players, and coaches.
  5. Many online platforms offer analytical tools and computer assistance, allowing learners to analyze their games, identify mistakes, and improve their gameplay.
  6. Learning chess online ensures access to the latest information, opening variations, and emerging theories. Learners can stay up-to-date with the current chess scene and continuously expand their knowledge and skills.

The ideal amount of time a child should spend on chess each day can vary depending on their age, level of interest, and other commitments. It’s important to find a balance that allows your child to enjoy chess while also taking into account their overall well-being and the need for a well-rounded lifestyle . Here are some general guidelines to consider:

  1. For younger children or beginners, it’s advisable to start with shorter sessions, around 15-30 minutes per day .
  2. Aim for around 1-2 hours per day for older children or more experienced players who are enthusiastic about chess.
  3. Some children may naturally want to spend more time on chess, while others may prefer shorter, focused sessions. It’s important to respect their preferences and avoid pushing them beyond their limits.
  4. Take into account your child’s other commitments, such as school, extracurricular activities, and social interactions.
  5. Rather than focusing solely on the number of hours spent on chess, prioritize the quality of practice.
  6. Pay attention to your child’s feedback and be responsive to their needs. If they feel overwhelmed or lose interest, it may be necessary to adjust the amount of time spent on chess.

FIDE rating is a system used by the World Chess Federation (FIDE) to measure the relative skill levels of chess players. It provides a numerical rating that indicates a player’s strength and allows for comparison between players of different abilities. The FIDE rating system is recognized and used internationally, and it is considered the official rating system for competitive chess.

FIDE ratings are calculated based on the Elo rating system, which was developed by Arpad Elo. The Elo system assigns each player an initial rating and adjusts it after each game based on the outcome and the ratings of the opponents. The rating changes depend on factors such as the rating difference between the players, the expected outcome, and the number of games played.

Getting the right chess trainer for your child can be crucial in their development and progress in chess. A skilled chess trainer can provide your child with proper guidance and instruction tailored to their skill level and individual needs. A trainer can analyze your child’s games, identify strengths and weaknesses, and provide personalized feedback. If your child is interested in competitive chess, a trainer can help them prepare for tournaments. A chess trainer often becomes a mentor and role model for their students. They can impart important life skills such as discipline, patience, critical thinking, and problem-solving. A positive and supportive relationship with a trainer can have a profound impact on your child’s overall development.

If your child has no prior knowledge about the game of chess, that’s perfectly fine! Many children start learning chess from scratch, and it can actually be an advantage to have a clean slate. Here’s what you can do: 

  1. Look for a chess trainer who specializes in teaching beginners or children with no prior experience.
  2. The trainer will introduce the fundamental rules of chess, such as how the pieces move, the objective of the game, and basic principles of opening, middlegame, and endgame. 
  3. The trainer should make the learning process interactive and engaging for your child. 
  4. Consistent practice is key to learning chess. The trainer should assign practice exercises and encourage your child to play games regularly. 
  5. The trainer should aim to foster a love for the game in your child. They can share interesting chess stories, show exciting games played by top players, and highlight the beauty and complexity of chess.

Yes we offer trial demo sessions to assess the game of the child . 

The batches are designed according to the student’s schedule and there are fixed classes and timings in a week . You will get a reminder about the class on the day itself . 

Personal coaching in chess can be highly effective for players of all levels, from beginners to advanced players. Here are some reasons why personal coaching is beneficial: 

  • Personal coaching allows for instruction that is tailored specifically to the player’s needs, strengths, and weaknesses. 
  •  With personal coaching, players receive immediate feedback on their moves, decisions, and thought processes during the game. 
  •  Through thorough analysis and guidance, the coach helps the player develop a deeper understanding of the game and improve their decision-making abilities.
  • A coach can help players manage their emotions, develop mental resilience, and cope with the pressures of competitive play.
  • Regular coaching sessions create a structure and discipline in the player’s training routine. The coach sets goals, tracks progress, and keeps the player motivated and focused on their development.

Yes we conduct Joyous Delhi State Chess Championships every year for different age categories